Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hi again bloggie,

Again it's been awhile I haven't updated how I am.

So I'm just gonna sum up what has been happening in my life lately.

- My parents got divorced.
- I struggled and got shingles in my previous job.
- I quit my old job.
- I got a new job and a better pay.
- I've been travelling more than expected that is 3 times this year.
- I moved to sis's place.

All in all it's just momentarily ups and downs.

Although I can say I have been experiencing depressions this year because of my parents' divorce and my old job.

Now I just get agitated easily.

I realised no matter how much I don't like (I won't say hate anymore) my old man, I gotta admit that some of his characters are in me...I can say I'm not all very much like my mom either.

I have learned myself better through divorce but still I am lost at what to be at times.

-Driven when need to be
-Lazy at times
-Likes sleeping
-5 min motivated to exercise
-I will never be motivated if people criticize or telling me what to do or comparing themselves or others with me
-I will be motivated if people around me are positively encouraging and helping me out.
-If I want it, I'll work it out.
-I like to travel but I look at my money too.
-I never like people who are boastful or think they are too good.
-I can't get along with people initially if they think they are too good or those who are too quiet unless I find him/her interesting.
-I like comedians.
-I like chocolates and ice cream.
-I tend to live in denial about my age but I realised I am not perfect
-I get depressed when I'm alone or nobody talk to me
-But I also need "me" time.
-I don't like to be told on what exactly to do.
-I like opinions
-I like maturity
-I'm not materialistic cuz I don't really like to wear jewelry much, carry branded bags. (Well I do want a wedding ring)
-I got myself an iPhone cuz I fell in love with it. Nothing to show off really.
-I would like to get married but I am not expecting much on happily ever after "the end" ever since my parents' divorce.
-I hate fights.
-I only get mad for a reason but after awhile if the reason is permissible and that I can accept it I won't be angry anymore.
-I get agitated easily if people are stubborn.
-I am stubborn but I can be soften if persuaded.
-I say nothing cuz if I say something when I am sad/angry, I will cry easily.
-I hate to show people that I cry.
-I never like to trouble others. Even when they offer me help, I would say it's ok. The reason is because I wouldn't want whatever help that is offered to me being brought back as a reason that I am relying too much on others.
-When people criticize me, I will go quiet and just cursed at him/her inside. And then decide to proof that I can be better than them. I know it sux.
-I'm laid back.
-I'm getting a feeling that I am outta my hobbies.
-I like to discuss my feelings but I don't want to be hopeful that others can help me.
-If people are very nice to me, I'll treat him/her nicely.

Now I feel like eating nasi goreng kampung...shucks. Out of the topic duh.

"My Mama says Life's A Box of Chocolates."

My Music

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

scream out loud

you're on your way

View From Tier 3(Old Trafford)-Man U. My Darling. Julie Powell. The Julie/Julia Project.

gone with the wind

January 2009
May 2009
June 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
March 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
October 2010
December 2011
December 2012
March 2014

take a bow
